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Manitoba Mountain Bike AssociationTrail Steward Update - February 2025

Writer: Al KingAl King

The Manitoba Mountain Bike Association is a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization advocating for the sport of Mountain Biking in Manitoba.

We have two primary focuses:

  1. Infrastructure: We are working to develop new mountain bike and multi-use trail infrastructure just outside Winnipeg.

  1. Community: We aim to foster growth in the Manitoba cycling community and support like-minded organizations in the development of the sport.

This newsletter is focused on the community of trail stewards, the people and organizations actively involved in developing and maintaining trails so that everyone can enjoy them.

PTEAB Update

What is the PTEAB you ask? It is the Provincial Trail Expert Advisory Board. 

This is taken from the PTEAB Terms of reference….


Established through the Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan, the Provincial Trails Expert Advisory Body (PTEAB) will work with the Provincial Trails Coordination Office to support and monitor implementation of the Trails Strategy. The PTEAB will play a critical role in achieving the vision of the Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan:

Manitoba will offer a sustainable and high quality network of trails for all user types and abilities that will support happy, healthy and informed trail users, a strong network of trail organizations, and economic and quality of life benefits for Manitoba communities.


  • To improve communication and increase partnerships between all parties involved in recreational trail development and management in Manitoba.

  • To ensure the Trails Strategy is implemented effectively and with the involvement of trail users, developers, managers and organizations across Manitoba.

  • To collaborate on strategies and initiatives to support high quality, sustainable trail networks and foster a culture of trail stewardship in the public.

  • To establish a forum for trail organizations and other partners to provide input into the Manitoba government’s trails-related decision-making.

Participant Organizations

  • Snoman

  • Trails Manitoba

  • ATV Manitoba

  • Cross Country Ski Association Manitoba 

  • Manitoba Mountain Bike Association 

  • Manitoba Horse Council

  • Paddle Manitoba

  • Manitoba Parks and Trails

  • Manitoba Association of Trail Runners (MATR) 

The PTEAB was created in late 2023, and is now entering its second full year. Al King and Allison Zimmer have been the (primary and secondary) representatives for MMBA. For 2024, each organization was asked to prioritize the goals and actions laid out in the Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan. The MMBA provided the following priorities 

  • Pillar 2: Prepare a Trail Proposal Application Guide to provide applicants with information on the requirements and timelines involved with the application process for the development of new trails on Crown lands as well as for requests to designate existing trails for particular activities"

  • Pillar 2: Develop a Trails Database with up-to-date information on Manitoba trails, including spatial data, trail features, associated amenities or facilities, and current state."

  • Pillar 1: Ensure clarity of the appropriate uses of individual trails where needed through signage and other communications strategies to reduce potential for conflict"

  • Pillar 4: Investigate options for the most effective way to provide information on Manitoba trails via a mobile app"

  • Pillar 2: Engage with municipalities and private landowners about incorporating Active Transportation and trail systems into Land Use Planning documents and subdivision proposals."

  • Pillar 2: Examine the potential for new or expanded Active Transportation routes or trail systems as part of the interdepartmental review process for development plan and zoning by-law reviews."

  • Pillar 2: Identify other potential mechanisms that may be created to provide incentives for private landowners to allow use of their lands for trails."

  • Pillar 2: Identify trails suitable for modification or improvement in order to be made more accessible, with consideration given to different levels of accessibility."

  • Pillar 2: Pursue amendments to The Occupiers’ Liability Act and/or the creation of regulations under the Act to reflect the growth in trail organizations over the past several years"

Does that sound like a lot of blah, blah blah? It was an attempt at government speak 🙂. Please tell us what you think the priorities should be in your own words! We would love the hear from you!

We (the MMBA) are now seeking to update these priorities with input from mountain bikers and trail stewards from around the province.

Check out the next few paragraphs to find out how we are going to do it!

Planned MB MTB Survey 

We are developing a survey for Manitoba mountain bikers. We hope to gather some great information from all our riders so we can focus on their interests and needs. Stay tuned for your chance to respond!

New Facebook group for MB Trail Stewards

We have created a new Facebook group called Manitoba MTB Trail Stewards. Please join if you would like to share and collaborate with other trail stewards in the province.

Once you have joined you can 

  • Share information with others on all topics related to trail stewardship in MB

  • Review and comment on the MB MTB Survey we are developing

  • Provide your thoughts on the priorities we should take to the PTEAB

Need help with mapping your trails?

Al King has been developing some expertise with Trailforks, GAIA GPS, ArcGIS, and other mapping tools. How to’s and discussions on mapping are some of the content we plan to include in the MB Trail Stewards group.

And don’t forget to buy your Winter Trails Day 50/50 ticket! 



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