Annual General Meeting Minutes
Date: November 18, 2024Time: 19:00 posted meeting time.
Call to order: 19:04
Location: Online and Sport Manitoba
Board Members Present: Brett Stovin, Chris McLaughlin, Allison Zimmer, Alex Albani, Al King, Chantelle Nault
Number of Community Members Present:In-person attendance
Adrian Alphonso
Blair Gysel (Junkyard Dogs)
Mark Lloyd (St Andrews BHP) FB
Steve Graham (BHP MTB FB)
Mike C
Tim Coffin
3 more
Quorum Achieved: Yes
1. Acknowledgments
Historical and Land Acknowledgements. Delivered by: Chris McLaughlin
2. Housekeeping
Presented by: Chris McLaughlin
Voting procedures explained:
In-person: Yes
Online: Yes
Agenda Approval: Moved by Chris, seconded by Brett
3. MMBA History
Presented by: Brett Stovin
Key points discussed: as presented
4. Board Positions and Membership Vote
Presented by: Brett Stovin
Current Board Positions Presented:
President: Brett Stovin
Vice President: Vacant (previously Colin Szewaga)
Secretary: Christopher McLaughlin
Treasurer: Chantelle Nault (stepping down end of 2024) Needs filling
Fundraising Director: Vacant (previously Mie Larsen)
Marketing Director: Alex Albani
Director at Large: Al King
Director at Large: Allison Zimmer
Vote Results:
Motion: To accept the board as presented moved by Brett — seconded Chris
Outcome: Motion passed
5. Infrastructure Report
Presented by: Brett Stovin
Nimowin Pits Project Updates:
as presented in the Slideshow, reviewing progress of 2023-2024
re: equestrians; the Ranch isn’t concerned with Nimowin Trails and uses trail near their ranch (to the north). Some equestrian riders who use Nimowin live locally or approach from the NW side via route 206. There are sanctioned trails for the equestrians but those are not the only ones they use: they enjoy the single-track.
From conversations had with equestrians, they just want to have MTB riders stop for them and wait for them to pass. Trail etiquette is important. Issues seemed to arise more with Fat-Bike groomed trails. The concern from the equestrian riders is excess of users and being banned from (unsanctioned) trails they currently use.
As for the efforts on MMBA’s part to being stewardship and build-out of the trail network for MTB, one suggestion is to get Parks to get the Horse Council to come to the table (they seem to be slow-walking any changes) or perhaps the Central Region for the Provincial Trail Expert Advisory Body (PTEAB).
6. Community Report
Presented by: Al King
Trail Updates:
Junk Yard Dogs Park and Trails, South Whiteshell Trail Association Connect the Shores, Brandon River Banks, Sioux Narrows/Nestor Falls, and many other small areas are improving. Trails near Virden brought up: “Oak Hollow Flow Trails” Mike C. has some connections there; hopes to pass this on to Brett.
Mapping Updates:
Al has helped with mapping on two fronts: Use of TrailForks; and, ArcGIS for printed trailhead map. Al has been able to help others in various circumstances and would take up conversations with others about helping wherever map expertise is needed.
Community Engagement:
We did not get our intended IMBA trail-building session going for lack of funding. We are looking to increase community involvement, and we are beginning with some surveys for riders within our community. Also serves the purpose of gathering information for our initiatives (ie., with Parks)
PTEAB Provincial Trail Expert Advisory Board —Update:
Very positive development that these positions are staffed. They are meant to be the single point of contact for trail development issues and interfacing with the province. They know of our intentions in BHP and this will hopefully be important support for our endeavour.
7. Other Trail Association Representatives
Representatives Present:
IMBA — Adrian Alphonso is IMBA Canada chair, would like to host IMBA event to showcase MB. He sees the potential to have something going soon — and not necessarily summer months.
Junk Yard Dogs — Trails are complete, next year it’s adding picnic shelters and toilets.
8. Fundraising Report
Presented by: Allison Zimmer
Key Updates:
as presented, looking back at success of 50/50 and contributions of Mie.
Future Plans:
another 50/50 or other efforts once our work with BHP is moving.
9. Financial Report
Presented by: Chantelle Nault
Financial Statements Review:
as presented in Powerpoint
Vote Results:
Motion: To accept financial statements as presented by Chantelle; seconded by Chris
Outcome: Motion passed
10. Wrap-up
Presented by: Brett Stovin
Call for Photos and Stories: All are welcome to showcase our trails in MB.
Call for Board Members: We will continue to reach out.
Use Project 529 to register your bikes — Canada-wide. Consider a QR Code sticker.
Meeting Adjourned
Brett: move to Adjourn; Second by Allison Time: 8:26
Next Meeting: TBA
Minutes recorded by: Chris McLaughlin