Volunteer With Us
Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity that allows you to be part of a team,
build recreation opportunities in your community, and stay physically active all at
the same time? At MMBA we may just have the position for you!
Description: The Manitoba Mountain Bike Association is a not-for-profit association
focused on the advocacy and development of mountain biking in the province of
Manitoba. We currently have an eight-member board including two subcommittees
focused on infrastructure and community outreach. We are looking for specific
individuals to fill a treasurer and a fundraising coordinator position. We are also looking
for one director at large. These individuals would all support our board members with
tasks such as bike park proposals, fundraising campaigns, or administration duties.
Skills Required: Strong interest in mountain biking or trail stewardship is a
requirement. Experience with grant writing, management, fundraising, trail development
or sustainability are considered strong assets but not required.
Skills Gained: As the treasurer and lead fundraiser, these positions will have a specific
role but will also be asked to assist with other tasks as well. As a director at large, this
position will gain skills and experience in various positions.
Age: All ages 18+ welcome to join.
Flexible Hours: Monthly board meetings are a requirement. Outside of these meetings
your commitment may fluctuate from 0-8 hours a week depending on what type of tasks
you are assigned and where our board is at with operations and projects.
Location of Volunteer Opportunity: Meetings take place in Winnipeg and our current
focus for infrastructure is in Birds Hill Provincial Park, however, each meeting is held
virtually so anywhere in Manitoba is possible.
Organization can provide: A reference letter upon request.
How to Apply: Email: manitobamtb@gmail.com